
Foreldremagi Parental Magic

Parental Magic #1

“After twenty years as a family psychologist, I know that no one is born a good parent. But I also know that almost everyone can become one – and that everyone can become better. The role of parent to a child will be the most important role you’ll ever have in your life. It will demand wisdom, knowledge, lots of courage, and even more self-knowledge. At times it will demand more of you than you’d ever expect, but the beauty of it all is:

If you become a better parent, you will also become a better person.

It’s in other words very much worth the hard work.”

How do you get a happy child? How do you foster confidence? How do you prepare a child for sad things to come? How angry are you actually allowed to get? Which is the most common mistake parents make? And what is really the most important job of parents during a child’s infancy and adolescence?

Parental Magic is a modern-day bible for 21st century parents. In seven easy steps, psychologist and family therapist Hedvig Montgomery guides parents and guardians towards what everyone wishes for: children and adults who are content and happy with themselves – also when together.

Parental Magic is the smart and simple book that will teach you how to become the parent you wish to be.

“Hedvig Montgomery is the author behind the book that I myself would have written as a modern version of Your Competent Child. A book that acknowledges that Nordic parents have learned to take children’s vulnerability, wisdom and responses seriously. It’s a great pleasure for me to read Parental Magic as it skips psychological analysis and goes straight to the essence of what parents need to know in order to experience the complete joy of the one personal relationship that will last a lifetime.”
-Jesper Juul


  • “Her authorship joins the ranks of other academically strong authors who convey psychological knowledge in a usable and accessible way. /…/ She has an enormous supply of age-appropriate examples that you as a parent can recognize immediately. This combination makes her unique as a professional mediator. /…/ The books’ definitive strength is captured by recognizable examples from real life. It is striking how well she knows the world of children and their level of development at a given age. /…/ The advice she gives is always conveyed with knowledge and understanding of children’s needs and development, and of adults’ occasional struggles. It is not always easy to be a parent, she knows that, and she conveys that well. /…/ Every time I read her books, I always look forward to being with my children again. If that’s not a bit magical, I don’t know what is. ”

    Psykologtidsskriftet, Norway

Photo: Janne Rugland Hedvig Montgomery
  • Non-fiction
Reading material

Norwegian edition

English translation

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Parental Magic
