Berättelser från Valleby: Den försvunna katten

Berättelser från Valleby: Den försvunna katten Stories from Valleby: The Missing Cat

Stories from Valleby #2

The clever Bacon brothers are a little younger and solve slightly nicer cases, but in The Lost Cat they show that they are sometimes sharper even than their idols. The prison cat Princess’s disappearance sparks a wild cat-hunt through the city, but instead of running wild, the two rookie detectives begin to study the place where she was last seen: Why does Ivy Roo have cat hair on her dress? And doesn’t Karl-Filip, the poodle, seem unusually jealous? But even the Bacon brothers will need help this time, and Valleby’s fire department has to come, sirens ringing, in the thrilling ending.

The Missing Cat is written for beginner readers, even more so than the JerryMaya mysteries, and is illustrated with large color images on each spread. Perfect for reading alone or together!

Martin Widmark
  • Children's
Reading material

Swedish edition

Rights sold

China, Booky (Simplified Chinese)

Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

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