Berättelser från Valleby: Den listiga planen

Berättelser från Valleby: Den listiga planen Stories from Valleby: The Clever Plan

Stories from Valleby #4

In The Clever Plan, there is chaos in Valleby. Everyone is fighting outside the supermarket. The Bacon Brothers’ newly started courier company has been given a strange assignment, and all the odd things happening seem to be connected… The police chief isn’t listening to the brothers, but perhaps the cranky hotel manager Rune can help them? The Bacon brothers have to solve the mystery, and they are in a hurry!

The Clever Plan is written for beginner readers, even more so than the JerryMaya mysteries, and is illustrated with large color images on each spread. Perfect for reading alone or together!

Martin Widmark
  • Children's
Reading material

Swedish edition

Rights sold

Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

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