Dårarnas ö

Dårarnas ö The Island Of The Insane

David & Larissa #3

In this third book, David and Larissa discover several moss-covered gravestones on a small island. They carry the names of young girls, all of whom died in the mid-1940s. The girls appear to be forgotten – why? Is there any connection with the nearby former mental hospital, now closed down? David and Larissa get closer to the truth about the girls in a remarkable way when they visit a watchmaker’s, but in order to find out exactly what happened they must return to the hospital – which turns out to be an extremely dangerous place …
The Island of the Insane is about the ethics of research – what do we have the right to do to people, in the name of science? And who has been chosen for these experiments?

David & Larissa is a series of books by the highly successful author Martin Widmark, with a scientific element, aimed at a slightly older age group. The main characters are drawn into adventures which bring them up against existential questions about life, death, growing older, time, morality, and the possibilities opened up by the latest DNA technology. Skilful and versatile illustrator Katarina Strömgård has produced the expressive illustrations which perfectly capture the characters and their surroundings.

Martin Widmark
  • Children's
Reading material

Swedish edition

Rights sold

Poland, Wydawnictwo Zakamarki

Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

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