D.D.S.Ø.I.F (Dyr du skulle ønske ikke fantes) A.Y.W.D.N.E (Animals You Wish Did Not Exist)
Doctor Proctor #
There are certainly some secrets that should remain secret. Secrets that are so important, so terrible, and so incredibly creepy that they cannot continue being just that. Secrets, that is.
Animals You Wish Did Not Exist is a book full of such things. Specifically, secrets in the shape of animals you have never heard of before. Animals that the police and the authorities don’t want you to know about. Perhaps because they are worried you will panic and sprain your ankle badly when you run away screaming. But they are out there. At this very moment a huge Mongolian water vole could be waiting for its next victim in an alley in Oslo. Or a Nepali dog bird could be licking the face off a poor old mountain climber in the Himalayas. And who knows, perhaps a horn-nosed frog is sucking the eyeballs out of a Venezuelan fisherman at this very moment.
The truth must be told. That’s why Jo Nesbø decided to gather some of the animals that you really wish didn't exist in this book.
“Besides the entertainment value of the strange animals, the animals explain some circumstances one might have wondered about. For example, do you know why your grandpa's toenails are yellow? It's of course because he was bitten by a Yellow Nail Salmon and therefore he now needs a particularly powerful pair of nail clippers. /…/ It's one of those books you are happy exists. The ones that are good to have when you need a quick entertainment-fix, and aren't in the mood for one of all those game apps on the phone. Some of the strange animals you know from the books about Doctor Proctor, and there is no doubt that the book is a wonderful extension of Doctor Proctor's universe.”
- Author
Jo Nesbø
- Published
- 2010
- Genre
- Children's
- Pages
- 55
- Reading material
Norwegian edition
English translation
- Rights sold
Czech Republic, Zlin
Denmark, Alvilda
Finland, WSOY
Germany, Arena
Hungary, Kolibri
Italy, Salani
Norway, Aschehoug
Romania, Trei
Russia, Azbooka
Slovakia, Iron Libri
Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen