Den lilla Spenatgumman

Den lilla Spenatgumman The Lady of the Forest

Picture books #

Deep in the forest lives a tiny, cranky old woman who every year does her best to prevent spring from arriving. The animals and plants of the forest fear the angry little being. But one spring day when the old woman patrols the forest as usual to prevent buds from blossoming and hibernating animals from waking up, something strange happens. A human boy picks up the fuming old lady and stuffs her into his pocket! What does an irate old lady and an angry boy have in common? Maybe more than they think.

The Lady of the Forest is a magical illustrated story about friendship, grief and the wish to belong.

Martin Widmark and Emma Karinsdotter have written a story about grief and the longing to belong.

Emilia Dziubak’s lovely illustrations are imbued with a love for nature with a hint of yearning.


  • “Handles difficult topics such as loneliness and death in a straightforward and accessible way (…) and depicts the forest and nature in a vibrant and inspirational way. Characterized by the best of the Swedish children’s book tradition, updated for the 2020s.”

    Expressen, Sweden

  • “A magical book about the forest and its healing power. ”

    Norran, Sweden

  • “Heartwarming and thought-provoking about grief, life and death.”

    Ystads Allehanda, Sweden

  • “A stunningly illustrated tale about anger, grief and belonging.”

    Norra Skåne, Sweden

  • “The authors Martin Widmark and Emma Karinsdotter let an oak tree be the narrator. This grants the narrative an epic dimension, and gives weight to its sympathetic message.”

    Borås Tidning, Sweden

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Martin Widmark
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