
Detektivhåndbok Detective’s Handbook

Children’s non-fiction #

The Detective’s Handbook is chock-full of pointers and advice on how to become an expert detective, teaching you everything you need to know so that you too can begin solving mysteries!

What is the first thing you need to do when solving a mystery – have you ever wondered? How do you look for clues? And how do you lift fingerprints?

There’s no age limit to being a detective. The key to uncovering evidence and finding information is all about being curious, inventive and observant. Besides which there are a whole bunch of clever methods and techniques you can use. All of which you can learn here, in the Detective’s Handbook.

Photo: Dag G. Nordsveen Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes
  • Children’s non-fiction
Reading material

Norwegian edition

Rights sold

Catalonia, La Galera

Finland, Otava

Norway, Gyldendal

Romania, Editura Paralela 45

Spain, La Galera

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