
Diamantmysteriet The Diamond Mystery

The JerryMaya Detective Agency #1

Someone is stealing diamonds from the jeweler Muhammed Karat! It looks like the culprit is someone on his staff, but who? Is it Lollo Smith, the recently hired fitness fanatic with a taste for the finer things in life? It surely can’t be Siv Leander, the loyal shop assistant who is now short of money . . .
The police officer in the little town of Valleby is stuck, so he contacts young detectives Jerry and Maya, classmates who run their own detective agency. Will Jerry and Maya be able to use their detective skills to find the thief? As they well know, even a tiny clue is worth its weight in gold.

Martin Widmark and Helena Willis bestselling The JerryMaya Detective Agency series has sold more than 12 million copies worldwide. Meet Jerry and Maya, who runs a small detective agency together, in a series of puzzling mysteries for primary school readers. The stories are set in and around the small town of Valleby, and have a rich gallery of characters to be captivated by on the exciting road to solving the mystery.

The Diamond Mystery is the first installment in the series with Jerry and Maya.

Martin Widmark
  • Children's
Reading material

Swedish edition

English translation

Rights sold

Albania, Magjia e Librit

Brazil, Callis Editora

China, Booky (Simplified Chinese)

Finland, Tammi

Italy, Giunti

Latvia, Zvaigzne ABC

Netherlands, Gottmer

Norway, Cappelen Damm

Russia, Izdatelstvo Albus Corvus

Somalia, Somabooks förlag

Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

Taiwan, Magic Box for kids (Complex Chinese)

Ukraine, Bohdan

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