Jakten på Campingkongen

Jakten på Campingkongen The Search for the Camping King

Activity books Hardcovers #9

Detective Agency No. 2 are on vacation. Tiril, Oliver and Ocho will spend the week at uncle Rasmus’ cabin in Sugarbay, but their holiday is soon interrupted. A thief is roaming the camping ground right by the cabin. Pool toys, camping chairs, diving equipment and decorations are among the things that have gone missing. Suspicion quickly falls upon the man known as the Camping King, as he’s got the largest camping van on site. Now he’s disappeared and Detective Agency No. 2 are right on his heels.

The Search for the Camping King is the eight activity book in the Detective Agency No. 2 series. Along the way we get to take part in the solving of the mystery, just like in the other thrilling activity books from the Detective Agency No. 2 universe.

Photo: Dag G. Nordsveen Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes
  • Children’s activity book
Reading material

Norwegian edition

Rights sold

Norway, Bonnier Norsk

Poland, Media Rodzina

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Detective Agency No. 2

Activity books Hardcovers

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Children’s non-fiction

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