Jakten på slottets hemmelighet

Jakten på slottets hemmelighet The Search for the Castle’s Secret

Activity books Hardcovers #

Tiril and Oliver are out camping with Ocho when they spot a light winking in one of the windows of the dilapidated old castle out on Ormøya. To find out what’s going on, the two young detectives will have to uncover clues, solve riddles and decipher codes. The search for answers will take them through secret doors, damp cellars and dark passageways in the mountain. And the reader is welcome to join them! Just remember to keep your eyes and wits about you – the answer might be hidden on the next page.

The Search for the Castle’s Secret is the fourth activity book in the Detective Agency No. 2 series.

Photo: Dag G. Nordsveen Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes
  • Children’s activity book
Reading material

Norwegian edition

Rights sold

Finland, Otava

Norway, Gyldendal

Poland, Media Rodzina

Romania, Editura Paralela 45

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Detective Agency No. 2

Activity books Hardcovers

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