Når det mørkner When It Grows Dark
Wisting: The Prequel #
Christmas is approaching and ambitious young police officer William Wisting has just become the father of twins. Edged off a robbery investigation by more experienced officers, he is soon on a less prestigious case: In a dilapidated barn stands a forgotten, bullet-riddled car. How long has it been there and what happened to the driver?
The prequel When It Grows Dark takes us back to 1983 and the early career of the brilliant William Wisting. Get to know Wisting – and the cases that made him into the detective he is.
“Norwegian Jørn Lier Horst’s series about William Wisting has grown into an impressive mixture of logical puzzle fiction and detective novel, where a slowly aging protagonist would rather painstakingly gather evidence than chase after action based on a gut feeling. But was Wisting always this talented? /…/ A less competent crime writer would have let their hero be a genius from the start, but Jørn Lier Horst instead points out all the mistakes one makes as a rookie. It transforms the novel into a lovely story of how even the most talented have often only learned by doing.”
“Horst’s excellent sixth William Wisting mystery to appear in English (after Ordeal) returns to the chief inspector s early career in between his present-day reflections on his 30-plus years of service in Larvik. /…/ This prequel is a fine starting place for newcomers.”
“Deft and effective.”
“A new excellent novel from Lier Horst.”
“Wisting appears as a trustworthy and reliable guide through the labyrinth of the criminal world. Steadily and methodically he acts as both an expert and engaging pedagogue in policework, letting us take part in all the choices and actions that a criminal case leads to, doing so in a manner that lets our inner truth-seekers come out and play.”
“And it is always this that elevates Horst’s novels. Here fans of the crime series will get exactly what they’ve become accustomed to: credible, expertly balanced and, for this book, nostalgic depictions of the police’s world as it is caught in an era of changing crime.”
- Author
Jørn Lier Horst
- Published
- 2016
- Genre
- Crime
- Pages
- 224
- Reading material
Norwegian edition
English edition
- Rights sold
Denmark, Modtryk
Estonia, Eesti Raamat
Finland, Otava
Germany, Piper
Norway, Bonnier Norsk
Poland, Smak Slowa
Slovakia, Premedia
Sweden, Wahlström & Widstrand
UK, Sandstone
- Film rights sold
Norway, Cinenord