Operasjon Påskelilje

Operasjon Påskelilje Operation Daffodil

Detective Agency No. 2 #4

When some expensive art is stolen, an unusual thief is arrested.

A valuable painting is stolen from the home of one of Riverton’s richest men. But rather than the theft itself, it’s the thief’s choice of clothing that have people raising their eyebrows: he was dressed as a rooster at the time of the break-in. The police have arrested a suspect they think is guilty, but the man denies stealing anything and the painting is still missing. Tiril and Oliver then make an interesting find outside of the arrested man’s house. Can the two detectives solve the mystery?

Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes’ Detective Agency No. 2 series is crime fiction for the youngest – clever, engaging, and full of thrills! Join our heroes Tiril, Oliver and their dog Ocho as they solve mysteries that have even the adults of Riverton scratching their heads.


  • “Effective and educative crime fiction for the youngest. Jørn Lier Horst hits the target with his series about Detective Agency No. 2. ”

    NRK, Norway

Photo: Dag G. Nordsveen Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes
  • Children’s crime fiction
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Norwegian edition

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Finland, Otava

Hungary, Scolar

Norway, Gyldendal

Poland, Media Rodzina

Romania, Editura Paralela 45

Slovakia, Premedia

Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

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Detective Agency No. 2

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