Operasjon Solnedgang

Operasjon Solnedgang Operation Sunset

Detective Agency No. 2 #3

Detective Agency No. 2 solves two cases before sunset.

The speeder racing through downtown Riverton almost mows down Nora Bratland. Tiril and Oliver are shocked and decide to give their all to catch the speed demon before sunset. It isn’t long before they realize that the case is far more serious than they’d thought. The car turns out to be the getaway car of the crooks who robbed Riverton Bank! Can careful and professional investigating lead Tiril and Oliver to the robbers?

Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes’ Detective Agency No. 2 series is crime fiction for the youngest – clever, engaging, and full of thrills! Join our heroes Tiril, Oliver and their dog Ocho as they solve mysteries that have even the adults of Riverton scratching their heads.

Photo: Dag G. Nordsveen Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes
  • Children’s crime fiction
Reading material

Norwegian edition

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Finland, Otava

Hungary, Scolar

Norway, Gyldendal

Poland, Media Rodzina

Romania, Editura Paralela 45

Slovakia, Premedia

Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

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Detective Agency No. 2

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