Sommarskuggan och julbuset

Sommarskuggan och julbuset The Summer Shadow and the Christmas Prank

Summer Shadow #6

The magical Summer Shadow suit is always on the lookout for its chosen person, and if that person were to be found, the Shadow would be complete. That simply can’t happen! Luckily, there are always a few children around to help stop the big prankster…

Deep in the snowy forest lies Santa Claus’ factory where the elves are working tirelessly to get all the presents ready for Christmas. But someone has stolen all the gifts from the warehouse! Someone with yellow eyes, leaving big footprints in the snow. If the two siblings Jalle and Julia don’t stop the Summer Shadow, Christmas will be completely ruined!

Photo: Kajsa Göransson Tina Mackic
  • Children's
Reading material

Swedish edition

Rights sold

Sweden, Rabén & Sjögren

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Summer Shadow