Vi ser dig

Vi ser dig Know That We See You

Helene heads out to a desolate farmhouse to visit her friend Anita, who she has acquainted after they both accused the same famous TV-host of sexual harassment. Anita has gone underground, having been subjected to an intense witch hunt on social media from people believing she has made up the accusations. Helene has thus far managed to remain anonymous, but now the man stands before a comeback to the national TV-screens and wishes to be cleared of the accusations. Helene fears her identity will be revealed in the process. The two women have up until now supported one another, but throughout the stay Helene grows more and more doubtful about what really happened to Anita back then – and to herself. How well do they really know each other – and their respective hidden motives? And what will happen to them now that the media circus threatens to kick off all over again?

Know That We See You is a psychological drama about the fault lines between truth and lie when you’re in the eye of a media frenzy. And cannot get out.


  • Know that we see you is thought-provoking and topical and made me reflect where boundaries are passed, in many respects. The novel is thoroughly unsettling in its depiction of the two women/friends’ acting and power play with each other. The discomfort and tension was so palpable it was seeping out of the pages. Meanwhile, the predominantly unpleasant consequences that the women who come forward in these cases are subjected to are nuanced, as is the way that the power and pressure of the outside world can make even the strongest person waiver in their judgment.”

    Boganbefalinger, Denmark

  • “[W]ell-written. /…/ [Aagaard’s] many little character descriptions work so well, are elegant and give a quick insight into our narrator Helene’s understanding of the outside world.”

    POV International, Denmark

  • “The nuances are masterfully described and one is sucked into the narrative. (…) [A] little gem. /…/ A huge recommendation to everyone interested in these debates (or simply in a sublime story). Here the reader is given an insight into the human psyche, when it’s pressured beyond all limits. Lies, doubt, secrets and truths in a frightening blend. Well-written, topical and stomach-knot-inducingly masterful.”


    Bogglæde, Denmark

  • “As the reader we’re not always in the know, things are implied, we have to guess, perhaps to reflect what it’s like in real harassment-cases. This helps to maintain a nerve throughout the read. (…) In a great and nuanced manner, the novel explores the difficult time in the wake of a public harassment case with all the shame, doubt and uncertainty that follows.”, Denmark

  • “There’s plenty of suspense in Aagaard’s novel about a MeToo-case in the media industry, where Aagaard doesn’t only depict the psychological consequences an assault can have for the offended party, but also zooms in on the media frenzy that comes with many of these stories. /…/ Know That We See You is not only a captivating read, it also gives an interesting insight into the many mechanisms, that are triggered in connection with MeToo-cases; not the least the self-doubt that many victims have to battle with, not least in high profile cases, where the offender is famous (and perhaps also well-respected) media personality. It’s also a novel about the people’s court, that can both acquit an offender and convict the victim.”

    Bog.dag.bog, Denmark

  • “[For readers of] captivating stories with plot twists. /…/ A truly well-written novel that the reader will devour. The author achieves to get up close to all the various emotions that #MeToo-cases brings forth, and as the reader one also doubts, what truly happened. The author gradually builds the narrative tension curve, and it remains gripping until the very end.”

    Danish Library Report, Denmark

  • Know That We See You is a nerve-wracking novel about the dark sides of new relationships, internet harassment and a high profile harassment case experienced from the very inside.”

    Alt for damerne, Denmark

  • “It’s unbelievably well-written and one sits invariably with a knot in one’s stomach – both over the case itself and its threads – and over the way, things now unfold. It reminds of a psychological thriller. The way the story is ominously built up made me feel I sat on needles, that seemed to get more and more sharp along the way.”

    Bøgerne I mit liv, Denmark

  • “It’s deals with doubt. The unavoidable doubt. Can one know the truth about an assault, that one hasn’t been part of, neither as the victim or perpetrator? Can one know, what truly happened, when there aren’t any concrete evidence? And how does one tackle this doubt, this unavoidable doubt, when you want to take a moral stand, but know that you can’t, because the doubt is still there? These are big questions, and they are some of the questions that Eva Aaagard has asked herself and that she presents in her new novel ‘Know that we see you’. And it’s worth the read (…) One of the reasons, is that so nicely gives room to the doubts instead of the utter conviction. Another is that this is a novel where the big questions are asked though a concrete story, with concrete people. With room for nuances. A third is that it’s written with an assured hand, with an elementary stylistic surplus, which elevates it to more than ‘just’ a relevant interjection in a relevant debate. A great novel, simply. /…/ Because yes, they really exist out there, the authors that can write about the essential without compromising on the aesthetic. There are authors that like Eva Aaagaard are worth reading, simply because they simply can do just that: write. /…/ Know that we see you is written without unnecessary digressions, but with exactly the doses of little actions, small observations, little everyday things, subtle descriptions that frame the story and infuses it with life. /…/ [Eva Aagaard] is a fine writer. There is absolutely no doubt about that.”


    Berlingske, Denmark

  • “A thrilling psychological drama. Eva Aagaard gets beneath your skin with Know that we see you. /…/ The story about Helene who heads out to a desolate farm to visit the ten year older Anita, achieves to hit some very universal chords and reaches down into a psychological abyss that is truly exciting. /…/ [H]elene’s doubt runs as a very effective red thread throughout the novel.”


    Søndag, Denmark

  • “This is a truly great, very well-written and of course highly topical novel. /…/ Read it to get a different view on how harassment and assault, besides obviously affecting the victims, can bring the worst out in the people that read about the case and has an opinion on it. /…/ Even if it’s a short book, it achieves to say a lot – and it’s a novel you will keep thinking about once you’ve finished reading.”


    Bogrummet, Denmark

  • “What an interesting approach to the discourse. /…/ Know that we see you is a thought experiment in manipulation (…) one comes to doubt everyone as you read, including your own judgment. /…/ This is a rather intensely emotional reading experience.”

    Bibliotekat, Denmark

  • “[G]ripping and intense. /…/ The ambience is quickly turned into a feeling of mistrust and paranoia, which also grips the reader. /…/ The novel awakens many emotions, so great praise to Eva Aagaard for having written such a brilliant read! I was and steadily remain completely in awe. This book had me captivated from the first page, and I was immersed the whole way through. It is incredibly well-written and as the reader you continuously try to figure out where it’s headed – just like a great book should! The ending truly opens up for discussions as it can be interpreted in several ways. (…) [Know That We See You] is brave, thought-provoking and incredibly topical. I can warmly recommend it!”


    Lærkesbogblog, Denmark

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Photo: Nicolas Tobias Følsgaard Eva Aagaard
  • Literary
Reading material

Danish edition

English sample translation

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Denmark, Alpha

Norway, Bonnier Norsk

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