Monika Fagerholm No. 1 on Dagens Nyheter’s and Svenska Dagbladet’s critics’ lists

Monika Fagerholm’s Who Killed Bambi? is No.1 on Dagens Nyheter’s and Svenska Dagbladet’s prestigious critics’ lists this week. Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet are Sweden’s two biggest and most influential daily newspapers.

‘Knock Knock’ sold to 20 territories

Anders Roslund's Knock Knock has now been sold to 20 territories! Roslund's bone-chilling crime novel is a tale of revenge and treachery, and sees the iconic duo Grens and Hoffman reunite as the world trembles during three explosive days.

Stina Jackson winner of the Book of the Year Award

It was just announced that Stina Jackson’s The Silver Road is the winner of the 2019 Book of the Year Award, presented by Bonnier’s Book Clubs. The announcement was made today, on the second day of the Gothenburg Book Fair.

The weekly Swedish bestseller lists

Niklas Natt och Dag’s just published 1794 goes straight to No. 1 on both the official Swedish bestseller list for hardcovers and for e-books. The novel is also No. 2 in audio. Lars Kepler’s long-running bestseller Lazarus meanwhile claims the No. 1 spot on the paperback list. Jørn Lier Horst’s The Cabin is No. 5 in e-books.

Photo: Pål Laukli/TV 2

‘Witch Hunt’ to premiere on TV 2 Norway

The brilliant screenwriter duo, Siv Rajendram Eliassen and Anna Bache-Wiig, behind the highly successful TV series Acquitted (2015-2016) and the praised feature film U -July 22 (2018), are now further establishing their position as storytellers with a strong and societally engaging voice.

Their new TV series Witch Hunt is the story of how one single action can trigger a scandal of national proportions with consequences affecting all the way up to Norway’s elite society. With a focus on power struggles and corruption, Rajendram Eliassen and Bache-Wiig delve deep into the psychological, relational and political consequences of whistleblowing.

Witch Hunt is produced by Miso Film Norway and will premiere on TV 2 Norway in early 2020.

‘For Life’ and ‘22 July’ to launch at MIPCOM

NRK’s new series For Life and 22 July will both make their debut at the Cannes fall content market, the largest TV market in the world.

For Life, created by Gjermund Stenberg Eriksen, is a highly innovative crime series set in two timelines: in present day, as we follow investigator Victoria Woll, solving cases and putting criminals behind bars, and in the future, when she herself has been incarcerated. For Life will premiere on NRK in spring 2020.

NRK’s other anticipated series, 22 July, created by Sara Johnsen and Pål Sletaune, explores how ordinary people responded to the tragedy of July 22nd, 2011, when a heavily armed right-wing terrorist attacked a summer camp full of youths. 22 July will premiere on NRK January 2020.

Jo Nesbø No. 1 in Italy

Jo Nesbø’s Knife, published in Italy just last week, has gone straight to the No. 1 spot for e-books and to No. 2 for hardcover fiction on Italy’s official bestseller list.