‘Brave Morris: A Week Upside Down’ No. 1 in Japan
Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin’s Brave Morris: A Week Upside Down is a double No. 1 bestseller in Japan. The just published Japanese edition of the children’s book claimed the No. 1 placement on Amazon as well as Rakuten, the second biggest online retailer of books in Japan. Besides reaching the top spot on the Amazon bestseller list, Brave Morris: A Week Upside Down was also completely sold out.
Anders de la Motte and Jonas Gardell No. 1 in Sweden
The weekly bestseller lists in Sweden have been announced, and Anders de la Motte and Jonas Gardell each claim one No. 1 spot. Anders de la Motte does so on the paperback list with his Deeds of Fall, and Jonas Gardell features at the top of the e-book list with In Memory of an Unconditional Love. Gardell also comes in at No. 2 on the hardcover list.
Niklas Natt och Dag’s The Wolf and the Watchman climbs one placement to No. 4 on the paperback list. On the e-book list, Jørn Lier Horst and The Katharina Code stay put at No. 2, as does Arne Dahl’s Turmoil at No. 4.

‘A Grave For Two’ No. 3 in Norway
Anne Holt’s A Grave For Two continues to place among the top titles on the official e-book bestseller list. This week, the novel comes in at No. 3.

‘William Wenton and the Luridium Thief’ shortlisted for the Fantastic Book Awards 2018-19
Bobbie Peers’ William Wenton and the Luridium Thief, the first installment in the series about the code-breaking genius William Wenton, has been shortlisted for the Fantastic Book Awards 2018-19 in the UK.
The Fantastic Book Awards is an annual event designed to encourage children to read for pleasure. Children aged 9-11 are challenged throughout the year to select the story books they consider the best, through a range of creative activities such as book clubs. The five winning titles will be announced on May 23rd, 2019, after the thousands of participating children have had their say in a vote. Authors and illustrators will be invited to receive their prize at celebrations held at Lancashire primary schools.

Liza Marklund winner of the Crimetime Specsavers’ Honorary Award
Liza Marklund has been awarded the Crimetime Specsavers’ Honorary Award 2018. The award is to be presented to authors who have acted as pioneers in Swedish crime literature and put Sweden on the international crime fiction map.
“I’m very honored. The previous winners, Maj Sjöwall and Kerstin Ekman, are major role models of mine,” says Liza Marklund. The award ceremony will be held on September 29th during Crimetime Göteborg, Sweden’s biggest crime literature festival.
“Almost exactly 20 years ago, [Liza Marklund] debuted as a crime fiction writer with The Bomber, the groundbreaking novel that fundamentally changed the Swedish crime novel scene. Readers quickly embraced the female anti-heroine, reporter Annika Bengtzon. Her private life and the current social issues that were portrayed in the novels were just as important as the crime plot itself. The style of writing challenged the prevailing crime novel-norm and gained many followers. Liza Marklund is one of our most internationally critically acclaimed and successful authors and her significance for the Swedish crime fiction phenomena abroad cannot be underestimated. With 15 novels and one non-fiction to her name, sold in 23 million copies and translated into 40 languages, she has paved the way for a series of successful and talented female crime writers.”
-The Crimetime Specsavers jury

‘Motive X’ published in Sweden
As Fabian Risk watches over his gun-shot-wounded and comatose daughter Matilda at the Helsingborg hospital, a Syrian refugee boy is brutally murdered, throwing the city’s police into a complex new investigation with racist overtones. Motive X is Stefan Ahnhem’s fourth book in the series about Fabian Risk of the Helsingborg police.

‘The Pearl Farm’ published in Sweden
It’s the early nineties. Young Kiona and her siblings live on Manihiki, a small island in the Southern Pacific Ocean, and one of the most isolated places in the world. Kiona works at the family’s pearl farm, freediving, checking oysters and harvesting black pearls.
One morning, a large yacht hits the reef surrounding the island. On the wrecked ship the locals find a wounded man. His name is Erik and he’s from Sweden.
The shipwreck is the start of a breathtaking story spanning half a decade and four continents. It’s a tale that poses questions about humankind’s search for meaning and belonging, the price the world economy exacts, and how far we are prepared to go for our loved ones.
The Pearl Farm is a bold and immersive story of love and money, violence and isolation, education and faith.

Aron Levander’s ‘Dream’ to premiere in 2019
SVT (Swedish public service television) has ordered two seasons of Dream, a new and exciting teen drama from Palladium Fiction. The TV series is created by Aron Levander and Filip Hammarström, and will be directed by Amir Chamdin.
Dream is about a group of teenagers whose dreams literary come true. Through their dreams, the teenagers are warned about horrible things that will happen in the future, and they have to hurry to prevent them from happening.
“It will be a series that crawls under your skin and turns your stomach, yet is heartwarming at the same time,” says Johanna Gårdare, Program Director for the Children’s Channel.
The first season of Dream will premiere in 2019 on SVT Children’s Channel.

‘William Wenton and the Apocalypse Generator’ published in Norway
William and Iscia have been sent to Sahara to help the Depository for Impossible Archaeology at a dig. A massive, mysterious orb has landed right in the middle of the desert, and only William can solve the code that will open it. But what if he succeeds? Will he be unleashing a new Pandora’s box on the world?
Old family secrets and codes from outer space have William and Ischia on the hunt for a doomsday machine of apocalyptic proportions in William Wenton and the Apocalypse Generator, the fourth installment in Bobbie Peers’ internationally acclaimed William Wenton series.

‘The Time of Miracles’ published in Norway
Having a baby is a miracle. It doesn’t matter how many children you have; the experience is always something special. And as a parent, you never stop wanting to do right by your child. The Time of Miracles is a guidebook for the intimate, sweet and tumultuous first 24 months of a child’s life. How do you create a secure space, lull your child to sleep, let it play, act when the baby just won’t stop crying – and what is really the most important job of a parent during these first two years?
This second book in the Parental Magic series will take you through the first milestones of a child’s life and give you the tools and the knowledge that you need for each one. But first and foremost, The Time of Miracles will give you the security you and your child need to develop a healthy and strong relationship that will last a lifetime.
The Parental Magic series is the modern-day bible for 21st century parents and in this second installment, psychologist and family therapist Hedvig Montgomery gives you seven easy steps to succeed as a parent as well as the answers to common questions about sleep, breastfeeding, kindergarten, language and upbringing.