Lars Kepler No. 1 in The Netherlands

Lars Kepler’s The Rabbit Hunter, just published by Cargo in the Netherlands, entered the Dutch bestseller list for hardcover fiction at No. 1 this week.
Thus, the novel has gone straight to the No. 1 spot upon publication in each respective country where it has been published so far (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands).

Michael Katz Krefeld shortlisted for the People’s Choice Award

Michael Katz Krefeld has been shortlisted for the Danish Crime Book Festival’s (Krimimessen) People’s Choice Award 2017. To see the full list of nominees, and to cast your vote (possible between March 11th and March 26th), click “Read more” below.
The winner will be announced at the festival on April 2nd.

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B-Reel to produce Karin Arrhenius’ ‘There’s Nothing to Be Afraid of’

It’s now official that Karin Arrhenius, the screenwriter behind the critically acclaimed The Girl (2009), is working on a new feature film. There’s Nothing to Be Afraid of (Det finns inget att vara rädd för) will be produced by B-Reel Films and directed by Swedish filmmaker Johan Renck, and follows Jonathan, a 16-year-old belonging to the Swedish Christian fundamentalist cult Livets Ord. It is a coming-of-age romance that will center on the love relationship between two teenagers. There's Nothing to Be Afraid of is set to begin filming at the end of 2017.

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Roslund & Thunberg No. 3 in Sweden

Roslund & Thunberg’s The Sons, the stand-alone sequel to the award-winning and internationally acclaimed The Father, is No. 3 on the Swedish official bestseller list for hardcover fiction this month.

‘Eighteen Below Zero’ No. 3 in Germany

Eighteen Below Zero, the third installment in Stefan Ahnhem’s Fabian Risk series, has once more reached No. 3 on Der Spiegel’s best seller list in Germany. This is the novel’s 6th consecutive week on the list.

Oscar Söderlund guest on ‘Framgångar och Motgångar’

Oscar Söderlund was recently a guest on the Swedish podcast Framgångar och Motgångar (Success and Setbacks) where he was interviewed about his success as a screenwriter and his interest for film and television. The result is an honest and interesting discussion with an approach to create a more unobstructed Swedish TV- and film climate.

The podcast can be found on iTunes, as well as by clicking the Read more link below.
Language: Swedish

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‘Operation Pirate’ published in Norway

Operation Pirate, the eleventh installment in Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes’ Detective Agency No. 2 series, is finally out in Norwegian bookstores!

During a beachside investigation Tiril and Oliver happen across a strange, old tin platter buried deep in the sand. The platter turns out to have belonged to the notorious pirate Timian Blest, and when it is stolen just days later the detectives understand that they’re onto something big. Might the thief know where Timian Blest’s treasure is hidden? And what does the platter have to do with it? Detective Agency no. 2 will have to draw on everything they have to solve this mystery!