‘A Man Called Ove’ stays at No.1 on the New York Times Best Seller List
Fredrik Backman’s debut novel A Man Called Ove is No. 1 on the New York Times Best Seller List for the third week in a row. This marks the 49th consecutive week on the list for the novel, where it also appears at No. 6 in the combined print and ebook category.
My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry continues to make a strong showing as well, staying at its No. 4 spot in its 33rd consecutive week on the list.

Jørn Lier Horst chosen as Krimfestivalen’s Guest of Honor
The Norwegian crime fiction festival Krimfestival – one of the foremost crime fiction festivals in the world according to The Guardian – has chosen Jørn Lier Horst as their Guest of Honor in 2017. This means that Jørn Lier Horst’s authorship and novels will be in focus during the entire festival as it takes place in Oslo during March 9-11, 2017.

Jo Nesbø and Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes No. 1 and No. 2 in Norway
The official Norwegian bestseller list for November is in, and Jo Nesbø and Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes top the Children’s Book list with their latest publications for kids. At No. 1 is Jo Nesbø’s Can Doctor Proctor Save Christmas?, published just at the start of the month, and at No. 2 comes Jørn Lier Horst & Hans Jørgen Sandnes’ Operation Ghost, the tenth installment in the beloved Detective Agency No. 2 series.

Salomonsson Agency gets a new CEO
Julia Angelin takes up the post as the new CEO of Salomonsson Agency as of today, December 1st, 2016. The former CEO Niclas Salomonsson will from here on focus wholeheartedly on his work as a literary agent.
Julia Angelin has worked as a financial accountant and a literary agent at the agency since 2013. She has, besides representing a list of numerous prominent literary and crime fiction writers, founded the agency’s children’s books section, now a pillar of the agency.
Niclas Salomonsson:
-I started this agency to help the world discover Scandinavian voices – that’s my passion, and that’s what I’m good at. And that is also where I want to put my complete focus. Now I would like to pass the baton on to Julia, who is someone that possesses a wide competence and furthermore one of the best agents I have met during my seventeen years in the business. She has the drive to take the agency – and more importantly, our authors – to new heights.
Julia Angelin:
-I am of course thrilled to be shown such trust and confidence, and I hope to be able to continue the work of developing the agency in the same spirit as Niclas has done. That he has gone from doing everything by himself and fighting alone for his authors, to running one of Europe’s premier agencies, is something that is incredibly inspiring. My focus will be on the whole: on the authors and screenwriters, on the writing, and on the ideas themselves.

The Grand Audiobook Prize 2016
Lars Kepler’s The Rabbit Hunter, Roslund & Hellström’s Three Minutes, Kristina Ohlsson’s Blighted Souls, Anne Holt’s Offline, and Leif GW Persson’s Can One Die Twice? have all been shortlisted for the Swedish book award The Grand Audiobook Prize in the Suspense category.
Real American Jeans by Jan Guillou is shortlisted in the Literary Fiction category and Kristina Ohlsson’s The Mystery of Hester Hill is shortlisted in the Children’s Books category.
The winners of The Grand Audiobook Prize will be crowned in March 2017 at an award gala in Stockholm. To vote for your favorite author and audiobook, click “Read more” below.

Petter S. Rosenlund Head Writer for ‘Hamilton’ reboot
The Swedish video-on-demand service CMore has comissioned two seasons of a new spy thriller series based on Jan Guillou’s best-selling books featuring Swedish spy Carl Hamilton. The TV-series, which will be produced by Swedish IP-rights company IRLC and Dramacorp (known for TV series such as Blue Eyes and Midnight Sun) has been scheduled to start its production at the end of 2017.
Petter S. Rosenlund, who previously created the critically acclaimed The Heavy Water War (2015), which with its 1,7 million viewers earned one of the absolute highest ratings in Norway for a TV series drama, has been confirmed as Head Writer for the series. Dramacorp said he plans to write contemporary “high-concept, character-driven drama with international traction”.
The Hamilton books have been adapted into a number of feature films and miniseries, with Hollywood actor Stellan Skarsgård playing the central character role in the first movie back in 1989.

‘A Man Called Ove’ still No.1 on the New York Times Best Seller List
A Man Called Ove is No. 1 on the New York Times Best Seller List for the second week in a row. This marks the 48th consecutive week on the list for Fredrik Backman’s debut novel.
My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry too stays at its No. 4 spot in its 32nd consecutive week on the list.

‘The Absolution’ No. 1 in Iceland
Yrsa Sigurdardóttir’s The Absolution has shot straight to No. 1 on the official Icelandic bestseller list after being published just days ago. The Absolution is the third installment in the Freyja & Huldar series.

‘Why Did You Lie?’ is Sunday Times’ Crime Novel of the Year
Yrsa Sigurdardóttir’s Why Did You Lie? has been chosen by The Sunday Times as their Crime Novel of the Year. The UK newspaper’s critics laud the novel in their review, calling it “a tour de force” and praising Sigurdardóttir for her brilliant handling of the different plot strands, and how she brings them together in an unforgettable climax.

‘Modus’ premieres in the UK
Modus, the hit Swedish TV series based on Anne Holt’s Inger Johanne Vik novels, and primarily its fourth installment Fear Not, premiered on BBC4 in the UK this Saturday. The series, which became the most successful Scandinavian TV series to air on the Swedish channel TV4 in 25 years, will run on Saturday evenings through December 17th.
Please click “Read more” below to read an article in The Guardian about Modus.