‘The Rabbit Hunter’ No. 1 in Norway
Lars Kepler’s sixth installment in the Joona Linna series, The Rabbit Hunter, is No. 1 on the official bestseller list for both hardcover fiction, as well as the e-book format in Norway this week.

‘A Man Called Ove’ No.1 on the New York Times Best Seller List
Fredrik Backman’s A Man Called Ove has reached the No. 1 spot on the New York Times Best Seller List. This marks the 47th consecutive week on the list for A Man Called Ove.
My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry climbs to No. 4 in its 31st consecutive week on the list.

Sofi Oksanen and Fredrik Backman longlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2017
Sofi Oksanen’s When the Doves Disappeared and Fredrik Backman’s My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry are longlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2017. The shortlist will be published next year in April and the winner will be announced on June 21st.
Click on “Read more” below to read about the nominees.

Fourth and final season of ‘The Bridge’ announced
The fourth season of the hit television series, The Bridge, has been announced as its final season, and is now in the process of filming.
The show is written and created by Sweden’s leading screenwriter, Hans Rosenfeldt, and has become one of the most successful Scandinavian TV-series ever. The Bridge has been broadcasted in more than 170 countries and has also been successfully remade into a US version (The Bridge) as well as a British/French version in the UK (The Tunnel).
Read the exclusive interview in The Independent with creator and writer of the series, Hans Rosenfeldt, by clicking ”Read more” below.

‘The Absolution’ published in Iceland
A teenager is brutally beaten to death in the cinema where she works, her body dragged into the night by the masked killer. Clips of her begging for forgiveness are sent to her friends from her Snapchat account. When the body is finally found it is marked “2”. A teenage boy meets a similar fate a few days later, and again clips where he begs the killer for forgiveness are sent to his friends via social media. When found his body is marked with a “3”.
Huldar joins the murder investigation, working under Erla. Their relationship is strained after being subjected to an internal review regarding the sexual harassment allegations, which took place in The Vortex. But they must set their differences aside and focus on finding a merciless killer – as well as trying to ascertain if there is an undiscovered third body – one carrying the number “1”.
As Icelandic law stipulates that a psychologist be present when questioning youths, Freyja is drawn into the investigation despite her reluctance to work with Huldar. She soon suspects that bullying might lie at the heart of the case, although her own experience as a victim of such behaviour might influence her judgement.
All three can at least agree on two things: the truth is far from simple. And the killer is not done yet.
The Absolution is the third installment in Yrsa Sigurdardóttir’s series about the psychologist Freyja and the police officer Huldar.

Bobbie Peers and Jørn Lier Horst shortlisted for the Bokslukerprisen 2017
Bobbie Peers’ William Wenton and the Luridium Thief and Jørn Lier Horst’s The Wolfhound Mystery have been shortlisted for the Bokslukerprisen 2017. The award is arranged by Foreningen !les in Norway and the winner is decided by five jury groups consisting of children in 6th grade. The award ceremony will be held in Oslo, on the 20th of April next year.

‘Acquitted’ season 2 reaches one million views
The second season of Acquitted (Frikjent), created and written by Siv Rajendram Eliassen and Anna Bache-Wiig, has reached one million views on TV2 Norway.
With the second episode attracting as much as 843, 000 viewers so far, the broadcasting network TV2 believes the numbers will grow, as more people watch the show through reruns or online platforms. The show has previously been described by Variety as “Norway's biggest TV drama hit” and has been nominated in three categories at the 2015 Seoul International Drama Awards.

Lars Kepler No. 1 in Norway
Lars Kepler’s The Rabbit Hunter was just published in Norway and went straight to No. 1 on the e-book list and to No. 3 on the hardcover list this week.

Fredrik Backman continues to dominate the US bestseller lists
A Man Called Ove, Fredrik Backman’s international bestseller, continues to place at the top of the US regional independent bookseller bestseller lists this week, and is No. 2 in its 46th week on the New York Times Best Seller List. My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry is not far behind on the independent lists, and comes in at No. 6 in its 30th week on the New York Times Best Seller List.
Fredrik Backman’s recently published novella, And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer, also makes an appearance on the US independent lists, landing a No. 8 spot on two lists.

Bobbie Peers shortlisted for Ark’s Book of the Year Award 2016
The second book in Bobbie Peers’ series about the code breaking whizz William Wenton, William Wenton and the Cryptoportal, has been shortlisted for the Norwegian bookseller Ark’s Book of the Year Award. The readers of Norway have together decided the list of nominees, who vary in genre as well as original language. The winner will be announced in early December.
Click on “Read more” below to vote for William Wenton.