‘When The Doves Disappeared’ chosen as one of 2015’s best books

The Guardian has chosen Sofi Oksanen’s When the Doves Disappeared as one of 2015’s best novels, calling the book “a heartbreaking tale of love and betrayal.” The novel has additionally been handpicked by The Globe and Mail as one of the 100 best books of 2015. The Canadian newspaper praises Oksanen’s wonderful characters and unforgettable style, labeling the novel a “great historical thriller.”

To read The Guardian’s article, click here.
To read The Globe and Mail’s article, click here.

‘William Wenton and the Luridium Thief’ winner of Ark’s Children’s Book Award 2015

Today it was announced that Bobbie Peers has been chosen as the winner of the 2015 Ark’s Children’s Book Award. The award is each year given to an author selected by Norway’s young readers. This year 10,000 children in the grades 5-7 participated in the vote. Here is what some of Bobbie Peers’ young fans had to say about William Wenton and the Luridium Thief:

“This is one of the best books we’ve ever read. It’s super exciting! It’s suspenseful from page one, and the excitement lasts all the way till the end of the book. It’s both funny and sad at times. We couldn’t put it down, and when we had finished reading it we missed it. The author writes incredibly well. This book deserves to win.”
-Class 6B, Godlia school

“The book was thrilling, and often there’d be surprises you didn’t foresee. There was lots of fun technology in the book. We’re hoping there will be a second novel; it seemed like there might be, judging by the ending.”
-Class 6B, Manglerud school

“This was a very exciting and action-packed book about code breaking. /…/ It was difficult to put the book down. The author also succeeded in planting a lot of nice pictures in our heads, so it was actually more fun to read a book than watch TV/play on the computer. In addition, the book was also funny. We hope there will be a sequel, because this was a really good book.”
-Class 5A, Jong school

‘Midnight Sun’ and ‘Ordeal’ shortlisted for Ark’s Book of the Year Award 2015

Jo Nesbø’s Midnight Sun and Jørn Lier Horst’s Ordeal have been shortlisted for the Norwegian bookseller Ark’s Book of the Year Award. The readers of Norway have together decided the list of nominees, who vary in genre as well as original language. The winner will be announced on December 10th.

‘Blood on Snow’ awarded The IcePick Award 2015

Jo Nesbø’s Blood on Snow has been awarded the IcePick Award for ‘Best Translated Crime Novel 2015’. The IcePick is an Icelandic award given to a translated crime novel and its translator by the Iceland Noir Festival, the Icelandic Crime Writers’ Association, and the Icelandic Association of Translators and Interpreters. Each year five crime novels are shortlisted, and this year two of the nominated titles were written by Jo Nesbø: Blood on Snow and Phantom. The other shortlisted novels were The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, Alex by Pierre Lemaitre and Guiltless by Viveca Sten.

‘When the Doves Disappeared’ selected one of 2015’s best translated novels by The Independent

Sofi Oksanen’s When the Doves Disappeared has been selected by The Independent as one of 2015’s 14 best translated novels. The Independent’s jury of literary critics praised the novel as a “finely crafted tale of two Estonian generations”.

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‘Stockholm Delete’ No. 2 in Sweden

Jens Lapidus’ Stockholm Delete has risen to No. 2 on the Swedish bestseller list. In the novel Lapidus returns to the gritty streets of Stockholm to do what he does best: deliver an explosive tale of a capricious world capable of obliterating some, and granting others opportunities beyond their wildest dreams.

‘The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep’ still No. 1 in Denmark

Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin’s The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep still rules supreme on the Danish bestseller list, remaining a steady No. 1 in the category of Family & Lifestyle. The Danish edition was published by Alvilda in early October.

Special honorary award to Liza Marklund

The Swedish Academy of Crime Writers has awarded Liza Marklund with a special honorary award. Marklund completed her Annika Bengtzon-series earlier this year with The Final Word as the concluding installment, and has now been awarded by the Academy for her “pioneering contribution to the modern female crime wave.”

Anders de la Motte winner of the Swedish Academy of Crime Writers’ Award

Anders de la Motte’s latest novel UltiMatum was yesterday chosen as the winner of the Swedish Academy of Crime Writers’ Award for ‘Best Swedish Crime Novel of 2015’. Hailed as a novel of international class also by Swedish press, the Academy praised the book as a “thrilling and intricately crafted modern yarn.” UltiMatum, the second stand-alone in the series about David Sarac, is Anders de la Motte’s fifth novel to date.