Lars Kepler No. 2 in Denmark

This week, Lars Kepler’s latest installment in the Joona Linna series, The Sleepwalker, is No. 2 on Saxo’s bestseller list for e-books.

‘The Sleepwalker’ and ‘Beyond Rescue’ among the most-listened-to titles of 2024

BookBeat, one of the leading streaming services for audiobooks in Sweden, have announced their most-listened-to titles of 2024. The Sleepwalker by Lars Kepler, released just two months ago, secures the No. 1 spot. Kepler is also the platform’s most-listened-to author throughout the year. Meanwhile, Kristina Ohlsson’s Beyond Rescue claims the No. 3 spot among the most-listened-to titles.

‘When the Cranes Fly South’ on Vårt Land’s ‘Best Books of 2024’ list

Lisa Ridzén’s bestselling debut When the Cranes Fly South features on the Norwegian newspaper Vårt Land’s list of its critics and cultural journalist’s favourite reads from throughout 2024. The motivation reads as follows:

“What’s it like to grow old, when your life companion doesn’t recognize you anymore and when you realise you have to leave yourself notes in order to remember that your dog has run away? Or when your adult son refuses you to do the little you still can, as it makes him uneasy? When the Cranes Fly South has us listening to the old voices, the once so easily sacrificed at the altar of efficiency. No one puts this novel down unaffected.”

Lars Kepler and Jørn Lier Horst & Thomas Enger on the Norwegian bestseller list

Lars Kepler’s The Sleepwalker claims the No. 1 position on this week’s e-book list. Meanwhile, Jørn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger’s Victim secures the No. 2 spot on the paperback list. Jørn’s Dry Land ranks No. 2 in the e-book category, and in the children’s category, The Search for the White Eagle by Jørn Lier Horst & Jørgen Sandnes holds the No. 3 position.

Erik Gripenholm Photo: Erik Gripenholm

Alexander Salzberger joins Salomonsson Agency

Alexander Salzberger is a Swedish actor, writer and director, with extensive experience as a theatre director and playwright.

Salzberger graduated from the esteemed National Academy of Mime and Acting in 2007 and has since been seen in many big productions both on screen and on stage. Alongside his acting he quickly made a name for himself as a playwright and director, working at the highly regarded institutions Dramaten and Stockholms Stadsteater. Among his most prominent work are the awarded plays Kicktorsken (2012), Äkta känner äkta (2019) and Son och far (2024). His work has been translated and performed on international stages including London and Istanbul.

Salzberger is currently directing two major plays at Dramaten and Stockholms Stadsteater, and is also developing several film and TV projects.

Conny Palmkvist no. 47 on the Grote Vriendelijke 100 list

Conny Palmkvist’s book Four minutes past midnight has been selected as number 47 of the books on the Grote Vriendelijke 100 list, highlighting the 100 best children’s books of all time. 

The list is presented by De Grote Vriendelijke Podcast (Big Friendly Podcast), which is one of the biggest reading podcasts in the Netherlands. Together with children’s book legend Astrid Lindgren, Conny Palmkvist is the only Swedish author on the list. The winner was chosen through a vote in which over 4 000 readers voted.

‘The Helicopter Heist’ premieres on Netflix to fantastic reviews

Today Friday 22 November marks the highly anticipated Netflix premiere of The Helicopter Heist, which has already received great praise both in Sweden and internationally.

The reality-based suspense series, directed by Daniel Espinosa and written by Ronnie Sandahl, is based on Jonas Bonnier’s novel of the same name. The Helicopter Heist stars Mahmut Suvakci, Ardalan Esmaili, Iskra Kostic, Erik Svedberg-Zelman, Johanna Hedberg and Nina Mårshagen, among others.

“It’s tight, thrilling and believable down to the smallest element. /…/ Above all, the creators succeed in the art of creating drama despite the fact that the outcome is known.”
– DN ★★★★

The Helicopter Heist should and will be a success for Netflix. /…/ It’s exhilarating, believable, well-acted and sweaty. /…/ Suvakci and Esmaili are excellent individually and together, and Erik Svedberg-Zelman deserves a special mention.”
– Aftonbladet ★★★★

“The Helicopter Heist is a brilliant mini-series that lives up to the high expectations. /…/ Everyone involved have shown top-of-the-line skills in the creation of this mini-series. /…/ The heist around which the whole story revolves makes for superb entertainment, but it is Espinosa and Sandahl’s respect for the series’ characters which is the basis for the high rating and makes the journey worth following over eight episodes.”
– Filmtopp ★★★★

“Merrily sit back and partake in this rollercoaster ride, where ringmasters Espinosa and Sandahl joyfully and skilfully emulate the fairgrounds of Martin Scorsese, Michael Mann and that heist grand-père of them all, Rififi. /…/ Also under the glimmering headlights at centre stage is a plentiful and talented cast. /…/ Even if we know the outcome, it’s still exhilaratingly exciting.”
– Cineuropa

“Erik Svedberg-Zelman gives a masterclass in anxiety as the helicopter pilot. /…/ The standout, however, is Mahmut Suvakci, who might possibly have the most expressive eyes in all of Scandinavia. /…/ Suvacki runs the gamut of human emotions – powerlessness, ambition, despair, hopelessness and love. It’s a truly powerful performance that really ties the various narrative strands together. /…/ Thoroughly well written, directed and performed, this is a fascinating insight into what it takes to pull off one of the most daring crimes in modern Swedish history. /…/ It’s a must watch.”
– Nordic Watchlist

“With the gripping plot and driven by the interesting characters brilliantly played by the actors, The Helicopter Heist is as good as a Netflix action thriller series can get and should definitely be watched by fans of the genre.”