Conny Palmkvist

Conny Palmkvist (b. 1973) is a writer, editor and literary critic. Having made a name for himself writing historical fiction for adult readers, Palmkvist was in 2020 awarded for his children’s book debut in a manuscript contest hosted by one of Sweden’s largest children’s book publishers. The jury praised his unique tone and dark sense of humor. His signature is, and will always be, his close perspective, as well as the poetic undercurrents of his texts. Palmkvist lives with his family in Helsingborg in southern Sweden. To date, he has written four breathtaking time travel adventures for children.


The Swedish Writers’ Fund Sweden 2022
Bonnier Carlsen Children’s Book Award (third prize) Sweden 2022
Gisela and Oscar Trapp Memorial Prize Sweden 2021
Lengertz Literature Prize Sweden 2021
Selma Award Sweden 2015
Umeå Short Story Prize Sweden 2009
Jon of the Year Sweden 2009
Helsingborgs Dagblad’s culture prize Sweden 2007
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‘Four Minutes Past Midnight’ and ‘Fifty-five Meters Below the Surface’ selected as two of the best children’s books of 2024

The Flemish newspaper Het Nieuwsblad listed Conny Palmkvist among their favorites, naming Four Minutes Past Midnight as one of the past year’s best children’s books in the Netherlands. Their nomination reads:

“A magic realism story that, with its poetic and reflective language, portrays how a child tries to grasp the fleeting nature of time.”

The Swedish newspaper Barometern has also included Conny Palmkvist’s work, selecting Fifty-five Meters Below the Surface one of their favorite children’s books of the year 2024. The newspaper offers the following review of the book:

“Conny Palmkvist is a master at writing with ease and humor about difficult and hard-hitting subjects.”

Conny Palmkvist no. 47 on the Grote Vriendelijke 100 list

Conny Palmkvist’s book Four minutes past midnight has been selected as number 47 of the books on the Grote Vriendelijke 100 list, highlighting the 100 best children’s books of all time. 

The list is presented by De Grote Vriendelijke Podcast (Big Friendly Podcast), which is one of the biggest reading podcasts in the Netherlands. Together with children’s book legend Astrid Lindgren, Conny Palmkvist is the only Swedish author on the list. The winner was chosen through a vote in which over 4 000 readers voted.

New title: ‘Fifty-five Meters Below the Surface’

The house across the yard is about to be demolished, but something is not right. Inside, a curtain suddenly flutters, one Bengt Gustav has never seen before. He enters the house even though he isn’t supposed to, and on the second floor he finds a door marked “1984.” It becomes the first in a series of time-travels, where Bengt Gustav is given the opportunity to fix everything that has gone wrong for his father through the years, all the things his father blames his alcoholism on. Only, things never get any better.

The only calm place left to Bengt Gustav is the water. Lowering himself into the bathtub, he thinks about Guillaume Néry, who for a long time held the world record in freediving. In the water, Bengt Gustav sees his lifeboat from below, the one he is in all by himself. The lifeboat that will save him when his father derails.

Bengt Gustav finally realizes that he has to let more people onto his lifeboat, right now. That will be the only way he and his father can find a way forward.

Fifty-five Meters Below the Surface is a warm, beautiful novel for middle graders about keeping your head above the surface and letting other people in.

New Title: ‘Four Minutes Past Midnight’

Why do parents die? How can it even be allowed to happen? Nicolaus is still only a child and parents shouldn’t die. But on this night in July, nothing is as it should be.

Twelve-year-old Nicolaus watches over his mother’s sick bed alongside his father. It’s nighttime and all is quiet on ward thirty-four as Nicolaus is growing restless. He realizes he can’t stand to just sit around and wait for his mum to die; he needs to get away. In the elevator he sees a button that wasn’t there before. When he presses it, the elevator doors close and transport him to a very different kind of place.

It’s four minutes past midnight when he arrives to the Final station. It’s where everyone goes at some point. Or is it? Somehow, Nicolaus has stopped time two minutes before his mom will die. But what do you do if you discover that you can stop time, and even travel in time? Can you change the past – or the future?

Four Minutes Past Midnight is a unique, heartfelt, and beautiful children’s novel written in a sensitive, warm tone with a sprinkling of subtle humor.