Salomonsson Agency
- Götgatan 27 116 21 StockholmSweden
- p: +46 8 22 32 11
- e: info@salomonssonagency.com
- VAT no. SE556583649001
- Map
For authors
We accept unsolicited submissions that are written in a Scandinavian language and sent by email. A submission should consist of approximately the first fifty pages, ending at a natural break, as well as a cover letter and brief synopsis of the work.
For screenwriters and directors
We represent screenwriters and directors who are based in Scandinavia. If you seek representation you are welcome to send us your material.
Salomonsson Agency is not responsible for any submitted material. We will always confirm via email that we have received your work.
By submitting material to us, you accept that we are handling your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.