Ronja Rövardotter Ronja the Robber’s Daughter
The series follows the adventures of a young girl born into a band of robbers in a medieval Scandinavian fortress. As Ronja grows up, she learns that the surrounding forest can be a magical and sometimes dangerous place filled with strange creatures. But when Ronja befriends the young boy Birk from a rival band, a vicious family feud ignites. Ronja and Birk flee into the forest and try to survive on their own.
Ronja the Robber’s Daughter is one of the best-known books by Astrid Lindgren, who is among the world’s most translated and best-selling authors.
- Actor
- Maria Nohra
- Director
- Lisa James Larsson
- Production company
- Filmlance
- Premiere
- 2024
- Genre
- Adventure
- Drama
- Family
- Fantasy