Snabba Cash 2
Evin Ahmad (Dröm Vidare, Quicksand), will once again play the leading role of Leya. Season 2 will continue the thrilling story of Leya’s life as she navigates the contrasting worlds of ruthless start-up environments and Stockholm’s underworld.
“Sweden simply has the best gangster series of all time. /…/ Snabba Cash is again worth the money – and only increases in value. The Swedes have taken the lead, and now it’s up to everyone else to reach their level.”
“Söderlund and Ganslandt’s work is outstanding and they keep the whole story down to earth, genuine and it instantly grabs ahold of you. It’s like standing there with the series’ characters and experience what they are experiencing. /…/ You will not be able to stay unaffected by this superb series!”
“I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Söderlund continues to introduce fascinating, albeit tragic, individual destinies and Ganslandt’s direction still hits the mark. /…/ Take a breather when you get the opportunity, you won’t get many.”
“Script, direction, acting and environments are top notch. /…/ An incredibly tight thriller. /…/ Oskar Söderlund’s script is like a close-up handheld camera, the dialogue is incredible, the plot is like a severe covid infection: feverish, making the airways shrink and the heart pound fast.”
“Snabba Cash 2 delivers full speed from start to finish and is a high level crime drama.”
“Not a single word too many in the dialogue which really hits the mark. /…/ But above all, a note of desperation has crept its way in this time, which is impossible to look away from and truly channels reality. A Swedish tragedy in effective thriller packaging.”
“Leya’s past connections to the criminal world are catching up with her. Her path crosses with Ravy, Nala and Osman – all in a relentless pursuit of easy money.”
“Snabba Cash should be your next Netflix obsession. /…/ It’s the kind of show that grabs hold tight and doesn’t let go.”
“It feels. It hurts. Netflix’s Snabba Cash is a series that stays with you. /…/ So watch these six new episodes and experience Adam Kai’s breakthrough, and how Oskar Söderlund and Jesper Ganslandt, the series’ architects, chisel out a story that continues to take characters down the cliff that was the first season and is now extremely close to the abyss.”
- Director
Jesper Ganslandt
- Premiere
- 2022
- Genre
- Action
- Crime
- Drama