‘The Cat Who Loved Me’ published in Sweden
It’s spring in Rosengard, and the big Eid party is getting closer. Everything seems calm, but strange things are happening in the neighborhoods. Salome, the kitten who Samira Karlsson doesn’t really dare to trust, suddenly shows up with the news that something shady is going on in Old Rosengard. Two cats have gone missing, and their humans are devastated. Meanwhile, at Salome’s house, someone is stealing the cat food!
Elsa of Purrendelle and Samira Karlsson are given the task of investigating the neighborhood, and they have barely had time to dig their claws into the case when they find a nasty cat trap. Once they see what’s inside, they manage to escape, just in time…
In Anja Gatu’s sixth installment of The Cat Spies of Rosengard, Samira Karlsson witnesses what can happen when humans get desperate with worry for their beloved cats.