Nikolaj Møller/Nordisk Film Photo: Nikolaj Møller/Nordisk Film

Möller’s ‘Sons’ selected for International Competition at the Berlinale

Award-winning director Gustav Möller’s prison drama Sons will be celebrating the world premiere in the International Competition strand of the Berlinale and is one out of two selected Danish films to be screened at the prestigious festival.

Möller’s prison drama follows Eva, an idealistic prison officer (played by Sidse Babett Knudsen), who is faced with the dilemma of her life when a young man from her past is transferred to the prison where she works. Here begins an unsettling psychological thriller, where Eva’s sense of justice puts both her morality and future at stake.

Sons is written by Gustav Möller and Emil Nygaard Albertsen and produced by Lina Flint for Nordisk Film with funding from the Danish Film Institute.

‘The JerryMaya Detective Agency – The Mascot Who Disappeared’ to start filming

SF Studios has announced that a new feature film about The JerryMaya Detective Agency will premiere in movie theaters this fall. The movie is based on Martin Widmark and Helena Willis’ exceptionally popular book series of the same name, now featuring a new, adventurous mystery.

Tina Mackic is once again set to direct, and Maria Nohra can be found among the cast members, playing a significant role.

Filming for The JerryMaya Detective Agency – The Mascot Who Disappeared will begin in March, and the premiere date has been set to October 2024.

Gabriel Liljevall Photo: Gabriel Liljevall

New Author: Lisa Ridzén

Lisa Ridzén (b.1988) is a doctoral student in sociology, researching masculinity norms in the rural communities of the Swedish far north, where she herself was raised and now lives in a small village outside of Östersund. The idea for her heartrending debut When the Cranes Fly South came from the discovery of notes her Grandfather’s care team had left the family as he neared the end of his life. She began penning the novel whilst attending Långholmen Writer’s Academy.

Lars Kepler No. 1 in Sweden

Lars Kepler’s The Spider shot to No. 1 in paperback this holiday season, and stays at No. 1 also this week.

Jo Nesbø and Yrsa Sigurdardóttir No. 1 and No. 2 in Iceland

The Surge, Yrsa Sigurdardóttir’s third novel in the Black Ice series, stays firmly put at No. 2 also on the December bestseller list for all genres. Jo Nesbø’s Killing Moon meanwhile climbs to the top of the translated fiction list.

Jørn Lier Horst No. 1 in France

The Cabin, the twelfth William Wisting novel, is No. 1 in French bookstores. The novel was published in France just last week.

Jørn Lier Horst the most sold in Norway 2023

When tallying 2023’s book sales in Norway, the clear winner is Jørn Lier Horst. Even with no new Wisting novel being published last year, Horst’s popular and long-selling backlist puts him at No. 1 on the list of most sold authorships.

Horst & Enger top list of most borrowed authors in Norway

Jørn Lier Horst & Thomas Enger’s Victim, the fifth novel in the Blix & Ramm series, is the No. 1 most borrowed library book of the latter half of 2023 in Norway. Stigma and Unhinged, book 4 and 3, also feature among the most borrowed titles of the fall/winter season.

New title: ‘Fifty-five Meters Below the Surface’

The house across the yard is about to be demolished, but something is not right. Inside, a curtain suddenly flutters, one Bengt Gustav has never seen before. He enters the house even though he isn’t supposed to, and on the second floor he finds a door marked “1984.” It becomes the first in a series of time-travels, where Bengt Gustav is given the opportunity to fix everything that has gone wrong for his father through the years, all the things his father blames his alcoholism on. Only, things never get any better.

The only calm place left to Bengt Gustav is the water. Lowering himself into the bathtub, he thinks about Guillaume Néry, who for a long time held the world record in freediving. In the water, Bengt Gustav sees his lifeboat from below, the one he is in all by himself. The lifeboat that will save him when his father derails.

Bengt Gustav finally realizes that he has to let more people onto his lifeboat, right now. That will be the only way he and his father can find a way forward.

Fifty-five Meters Below the Surface is a warm, beautiful novel for middle graders about keeping your head above the surface and letting other people in.

Photo: Anton Soggiu

Jørn Lier Horst is this year’s author in Aftenposten Junior

The readers of Aftenposten Junior have chosen Jørn Lier Horst as the Author of the Year in 2023. He wins ahead of J.K. Rowling after being voted by young readers.

The books about Detective Agency No. 2 are one of Norway’s bestselling children’s book series of all time, with a total print run of 3 million copies. Several of the books have been adapted into films, and there has also been a theatrical production based on the popular universe. In 2022, Tiril, Oliver, and Åtto were named the all-time Norwegian children’s book characters by the readers of the industry website Bok365.

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